CVDCC Gallery

We invite viewers to browse our Gallery of winning images from past competitions. Download the Catalogs below.

2024 Catalogs

Feb 2024 Stuart Lynn
Apr 2024 Lillian Roberts
Jun 2023 Roy Killen
Oct 2024 tbd
Dec 2024 tbd

2023 Catalogs

Feb 2023 Lillian Roberts
 Apr 2023 Joanne Stolte
Jun 2023 Nan Carder
Oct 2023 Andrew Lewis
Dec 2023 Greg Holden

2022 Catalogs

Month Judge  Catalog
Feb 2022 Sandy Dimke
Apr 2022 Joanne Stolte
Jun 2022 Nan Carder
Oct 2022 Roy Killen
Dec 2022 Lewis Katz

2021 Catalogs

Month Judge  Catalog
 Feb 2021 Stuart Lynn
Apr 2021 Lillian Roberts
Jun 2021 Sue Clark
Oct 2021 Diane Racey
Dec 2021 Hutch Hutchinson

2020 Catalogs

Month Judge  Catalog
Dec Roy Killen
Oct Diane Racey
June J.R. Schnelzer 
 Apr Lillian Roberts
 Feb Stuart Lynn




One of our club meetings in 2020 was visited by the leader of the Conwy Camera Club from Wales, U.K. As a result we both agreed to create a video slide show including photos from both clubs depicting the photographic beauty of our respective locations. The Conwy club created the production with images supplied by both clubs. Here is a link to that beautiful Youtube program.


open link


Coachella International 2020 Exhibition Catalogs are now available:




December 2019 Catalog:   Click here   Judge: Nan Carder


October 2019 Catalog:  click here   Judge: Joanne Stolte


June 2019 Catalog:  click here   Judge: Hutch Hutchinson


April 2019 Catalog:  click here   Judge: Sandy Zelasko


February 2019 Catalog:  click here   Judge: Stuart Lynn


2018 Catalogs


Month Judge  Catalog
 Jan Stuart Lynn
Mar Lin Craft     
May Nancy Speaker     
Oct Carl Morrison     
Dec Joanne Stolte

2017 Catalogs



Month Judge  Catalog
 Jan Jan Maguire
 Mar Bill Wight
May Joanne Stolte
Oct Nan Carder
Dec Diane Racey

Galleries for the years 2003-2012 can be reached here. However, they are in an older format.

Due to changed security requirements by our webhoster, Galleries for  2014 will temporarily be unavailable! Past galleries will be added over time.

Galleries for the years 2003-20012 can be reached here. However, they are in an older format.

All copyrights in all posted images on this website remain vested with the original creators (authors) of the images. No rights of use, copying, or republishing without permission of the creator (author) are granted, other than downloading the images directly from this website for immediate viewing purposes.